Roadtech Administrative Toolkit History 1991

In limited form these date back to the original CBASIC version of roadrunner. Running on CPM-80 in 1986.

This was followed by the first multi user version written using RMcobol-74 on concurrent CPM in 1988

In there current form these date from 1991, and the migration of Roadrunner from RMcobol-74 on Concurrent CPM. To RMcobol-85 on the then new IBM AIX operating system on the new IBM RS6000 model 320.

Administrative scripts.

While a few of the previous utilities written in C were also relevant to early AIX systems, most of the administration was different. The administrative programs for UNIX systems are written mainly in Korn shell script, to aid in administering and using UNIX based systems with Roadtech software.

In there current form, the administration suite will run on the following platforms. There are some platform specific differences in the functionality.

AIX 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
UNIX_System_V version 3.0


Initial porting for AIX 3.1

Administrative user to own the programs and data filesrr85
Group for programs and filesrm85
Directory for Roadrunner Data/usr/share/rr85
Directory for COBOL applications programs/usr/share/rr85/cobs
Directory for temporary applications data files/usr/share/rr85/tmp
Directory for installation programs and configuration/usr/share/rr85/instbits
Directory for Program data /usr/share/rr85/instbits
Directory for Customer data templates/usr/share/rr85/instbits/base
Directory for temporary administration files/var/tmp

Program configuration Data

Files that ship with an install or program update set.

Program Data Files
RRFILCTL.DATMap of data files to storage group?
RRFILDAT.DATMap of data files to storage group?
RRHELP01.DATMain Help File. Provides help messages.
RRLAY00E.DATMain layout file English.
RRMENSDT.DATMain Menu configuration file German?.
RRMENSET.DATMain Menu configuration file English.
RRMENSMT.DATMain Menu configuration file MOD?.
RRPRNDEF.DATPrinter Definition File
RRSCRDEF.DATTerminal Screen Definition File
RRTRMDEF.DATTerminal Keyboard Definition File
SCREENSD.DATMain Program prompt configuration file German?
SCREENSE.DATMain Program prompt configuration file English.
SCREENSH.DATMain Program prompt configuration file Hungarian?
SCREENSM.DATMain Program prompt configuration file MOD.
SCRMERGE.DATPartial screen file, shipped with program update.
SCRNAUXD.DATAuxiliary screen file German.
SCRNAUXE.DATAuxiliary screen file English.
SCRNAUXH.DATAuxiliary screen file Hungarian.
SYSCHK.DATCRC values for programs in install set.
WHFONT01.DATExtended font data used by warehouse report generator?
WHLAY00E.DATWarehouse report layout templates English?

System Data files.

Files created during install, that do not relate to a specific company. These should not be copied to an install tape. These should not be copied while copying a company.

System Data Files
RRCNTROL.DATControl file for data set.
RRCOMP01.DATMain Company Control file.
CHKLOG.DATProgram validation check, output log.

Sample Data files, or templates.

Copy to install tape. Copy to Initial company, while installing system

Template Files
AACOS00A.DATPer company, Cost Center data.
AANOM00A.DATPer company, Nominal account data.
AANOMLRA.DATPer company, Nominal ledger structure.
RRCOMCNA.DATPer company, control data
RRUSRLGA.DATPer company, user activity log. Only needed as it is not getting created when you run RRFMAKE1, or when a user logs in.


Initial release to customers for AIX 3.1


New release to support AIX 3.2

New release to support UNIX System V, for MOD

Add support for customizable user menu

New stop user option

New stop screen option

New fix port option

Add performance evaluation menu

AIX only. Makes use of the AIX performance measuring functions. To evaluate how the system is running, and whether it is hitting a bottle neck on CPU, I/O, or memory.

Routine will estimate what sort of changes may be needed to give a reasonable performance boost. There is no point in the customer buying more RAM if the system is I/O bound and vice versa.

New Fix print queue option for AIX

Force system check after update

Add option to "kill" users for backup

Sends SigTERM to COBOL run times. this requests that they close files and exit. Then runs roadrunner recovery to check system is consistent before backup. We do not want to write a backup of an inconsistent system over a good backup.

Add clone menu

Copies RoadRunner to a 2nd disk area. On servers with multiple disk controllers, and volume groups this can be quicker than a copy to tape.

Include terminfo configuration on update

Update routine to read in custom terminal definitions, and compile them.

Add support for 1.2GB QIC tape


Option to restore files from an IBM system backup tape

Switch to

New check script replaces previous version.


Make install tape

An install tape may be made from any system. Install tape includes RoadRunner programs, Program configuration files, support applications, but excludes customer data files. Required along with software source escrow agreement by new customer.

Add system information prints for AIX

Additional Tape support

8mm 5GB, 4mm 2GB, and 4mm 4GB.


Add support for Unix system V rel 3. {ICL}

Support added for MOD.

Add support for AIX 4.1

New OS from IBM to support new server models.


Bose operating system menu (BOS menu)

Seperate "BOS menus" for AIX 3.x, AIX 4.1, and sysV rel 3.

Copy Company routine

Function added to check menu to copy files for a company. Will copy between different company letters and or between data sets. Will not overwrite files. Will not copy program related data file where these are still linked to data directory.

Load AIX updates from CD

Add support for loading AIX operating system updates from CD.

File list from programming

Conditional names. In the table of file names below the following codes indecate that the file name is conditional on the value indecated.

<cc>Company code. Single character from the set A-Z or 0-9
<lc>Language code. Single character from the set A-Z or 0-9
<user>3 digit user id number

This list is incomplete.

File NameWhatError tag
AACOS00<cc>.DATPer company, Cost Center data.COST-CNTR
AANOM00<cc>.DATNominal AccountsNOM-ACCT
RRADRS0<cc>.DATAddress file. used to save collection and delivery addresses.ADRESES
RRBKGS0<cc>.DATMain bookings fileMAIN-BKGS-FILE
RRBULK0<cc>.DATBulk Job Contract file.BULK-CON-FILE
RRCOMCN<cc>.DATPer company control fileCOMP-CONTROL
RRCOMP01.DATKey to defined companiesCOMPANIES
RRCONS0<cc>.DATMain Consignment fileMAIN-CONS-FILE
RRCUS00<cc>.DATMain customers fileCUSTOMERS
RRDIAK0<cc>.DATTraffic diary fileDIAK0-FILE
RRDIAK1<cc>.DATTraffic diary fileDIAK1-FILE
RRDIAK2<cc>.DATTraffic diary fileDIAK2-FILE
RRDIAK3<cc>.DATTraffic diary fileDIAK3-FILE
RRDRV00<cc>.DATDrivers data fileDRIVERS
RRFFJOB<cc>.DATFreight forward jobs fileFF-JOB-FILE
RRFFITM<cc>.DATFreight forward item fileFF-ITEM-FILE
RRFFLNE<cc>.DATFreight forward item fileFF-LNE-FILE
RRFFLNK<cc>.DATFreight forward link fileFF-LNK-FIL
RRFFPRD<cc>.DATFreight forward product fileFF-PRODUCT-FILE
RRHELP01.DATMain Help File, for specified language.HELP-FILE
RRIBORD<cc>.DATInvoice Booking Order file. Ties bookings to an invoice.IBO-FILE
RRITEM0<cc>.DATMain items fileMAIN-ITEM-FILE
RRLAYOU<cc>.DATReport layout fileLAYOUT-FILE
RRLINES<cc>.DATAdditional information lines for a booking.LINE-FILE
RRLOG00<cc>.DATMain event log fileLOG-FILE
RRMAN00<cc>.DATLink jobs to form a manifestMANIFEST-FILE
RRMENS<lc>T.DATMain Menu configuration file, for specified language.MENU-FILE
RRMSTRN<cc>.DATMain sales transaction file.MAIN-SALTRN-FILE
RRMUMSK<cc>.DATUser dependent menu mask.USER-MASK
RRRTECR<cc>.DATJob Rate Card File.CRD-FILE
RRSBKGS<cc>.DATSub bookings fileSUB-BKG-FILE
RRTRL00<cc>.DATTrailer data file.TRAILERS
RRTRLDE<cc>.DATTrailer defects recordDEFECTS
RRTSTR<t><cc>.DATTemporary sales transactions<any>
RRVEH00<cc>.DATVehicle data file.VEHICLES
RRVEHDE<cc>.DATVehicle defects record.DEFECTS
RRVTRN0<cc>.DATMain vehicle transaction file.MAIN-VEHTRN-FILE
RRXBKG0<cc>.DATExtra bookings fileXTRA-BKGS-FILE
SCREENS<lc>.DATTerminal Screen Definition File, for specified language.SCREEN-FILE
SCRNAUX<lc>.DATAuxilary screen file, for specified language.SCRN-AUX-FILE
TMP01<user>.DATTemporary file<any>
TMP02<user>.DATTemporary file<any>
TMP03<user>.DATTemporary file<any>
TMP04<user>.DATTemporary file<any>
TMP05<user>.DATTemporary file<any>
TMP06<user>.DATTemporary file<any>


Add support for AIX 4.2

New variables

Two new variables tmpdir and flagdir.


Add support for AIX 4.3

Add Year 2000 Checks

INET servers

1998 saw our move to Shenley, and the start of a move to more of a client, server model. With increasing use of network connections, and servers.

Clients connect to the roadrunner server via an INET service.

1998 GOGO

First draft of a graphical client, using Visual Basic, and the RMcobol vangui connector. Client makes a TCPIP network connection using the tcp transport to port 9001.